Likert scales resources
02. Video Tutorials (3)

This video explains how to compute a new variable which is the mean of 2 or more variables combined. This resource is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Vikki O'Neill, Queen's University Belfast.

The video explains How to compute a new variable which is the sum of 2 or more variables combined. This sum is called a total score. This resource is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Vikki O'Neill, Queen's University Belfast.

Using SPSS, enter data from a questionnaire in which respondents had to choose one option from a likert scale. This "Getting started with SPSS" resource is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Kate Richards, MEI.
07. Community Project (1)

This PowerPoint workshop covers: what is a questionnaire?; response rates; data types and question types; question design principles; questionnaire layout; rating scales; and the questionnaire design process. This resource has been contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Peter Samuels, Birmingham City University under a Creative Commons licence CC-BY-SA and reviewed by Ellen Marshall, University of Sheffield. The zip file contains the source file and the associated statstutor metadata spreadsheet.
10. Workshops (1)

This PowerPoint workshop covers: what is a questionnaire?; response rates; data types and question types; question design principles; questionnaire layout; rating scales; and the questionnaire design process. This resource has been contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Peter Samuels, Birmingham City University and reviewed by Ellen Marshall, University of Sheffield.