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Pearsons Correlation Coefficient resources

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03. Teach Yourself Worksheets (4)

Resource type Correlation and Scatterplots (Worksheet)
This teach yourself worksheet explains how to obtain interpet scatterplots and the Pearson and Kendall's Tau correlation coefficients.
Resource type Correlation Using SPSS (Worksheet)
Using an example on calcium intake, this teach yourself worksheet focuses on the use of SPSS to obatin and interpret correlation coefficients. This also includes a number of exercises for you to try. Note that the SPSS data sets referred to in the worksheet are also available here.
Resource type Correlation Using SPSS (Worksheet) Data Sets
This is a zip file containing the SPSS data sets for use with Correlation Using SPSS (Worksheet). Note: please save this file to your PC before extracting its contents.
Resource type Pearson Correlation - Introduction
A written explanation of the more commonly used (Pearson) Correlation coefficient using the same examples as those used in the Video Tutorial on this topic available at this site. This resource was contributed by Dr Iain Weir of the University of the West of England.