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Pocket Guide to Resources for Statistics Support Tutors - Your views requested! More here->


New statstutor Community Project resources:

  • Bite-sided SPSS video tutorials 
  • 15 Powerpoint Workshops for statistics
  • 13 Quick Reference leaflets   

Find out more.....

statstutor is becoming a well-used and valued online drop-in centre for statistics resources.  Find out more about who used statstutor in 2015.

statstutor offers statistics support materials, free of charge, to students, lecturers and everyone looking for post-16 statistics help.  We have several types of resources to help you:

 Case Study Videos - watch and listen as a tutor helps students handle projects involving real data;

Video Tutorials - watch and listen to a tutor working through important topics in statistics;

Teach Yourself - these paper based resources provide in-depth treatment of important topics, with theory and worked examples (sometimes written to accompany the video tutorials above);

Tests and Quizzes - on specific topics to enable you to gauge your competency and decide whether further work is required;

Facts & Formulae Leaflets - electronic versions of the very popular leaflets distributed by the Higher Education Academy MSOR Subject Centre;

Coming soon.........Staff Resources - a selection of case studies, resource packs, links to key reports and research on statistics support, and other valuable resources for staff who offer statistics support;

Help on how to use statstutor can be found under FAQ.