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Your search returned 85 results
Compute Pearson's r correlation using SPSS
How to use SPSS to compute Pearson's r correlation coefficient and corresponding p-value. This resource from the "SPSS Tutorial Series" is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Cheryl Voake-Jones, University of Bath. It was developed with sigma resource development funding.
Compute Spearman's rho correlation using SPSS
How to use SPSS to compute Spearman's rho correlation coefficient and corresponding p-value. This resource from the "SPSS Tutorial Series" is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Cheryl Voake-Jones, University of Bath. It was developed with sigma resource development funding.
Compute z-scores for variables in SPSS
How to use SPSS to compute z-scores for a variable. Choose one of two available methods. This resource from the "SPSS Tutorial Series" is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Tim Sparks, Coventry University. It was developed with sigma resource development funding.
Create dummy variables from an existing categorical variable in SPSS
This video explains how to use SPSS to dummy code categorical variables. Often, this is required if you want to use the variable in regression, but it has more than 2 categories. This resource is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Vikki O'Neill, Queen's University Belfast.
Cronbach's alpha in SPSS
How to run Cronbach's alpha reliability test in SPSS. This resource from the "SPSS Tutorial Series" is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Paul Wilson, University of Wolverhampton. It was developed with sigma resource development funding.
Crosstab tables in SPSS
How to create a crosstab table in SPSS with 2 or more variables. This resource from the "SPSS Tutorial Series" is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Tim Sparks, Coventry University. It was developed with sigma resource development funding.
Define the level of measurement of data in SPSS
In SPSS, data is either nominal, ordinal or scale. It's important that you know the difference between these options and choose the one that is best for your data. This "Getting started with SPSS" resource is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Kate Richards, MEI.
Edit SPSS charts: Example using a clustered bar chart
How to use the SPSS chart editor to adjust the size, colours, labels, etc. on your chart. This example uses a clustered bar chart. This resource from the "SPSS Tutorial Series" is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by David Bowers, Independent consultant in mathematics, statistics and learning development. It was developed with sigma resource development funding.
Edit SPSS charts: Example using a scatterplot
How to use the SPSS chart editor to adjust the size, colours, labels, etc. on your chart. This example uses a scatterplot. This resource from the "SPSS Tutorial Series" is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by David Bowers, Independent consultant in mathematics, statistics and learning development. It was developed with sigma resource development funding.
Emissions Scenario Role Play
This is a paper-based scenario aimed to be used as part of the tutor training workshop using the resource entitled "Introductory Statistics and Hypothesis Testing". This was developed and contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Alun Owen (University of Worcester) and Ellen Marshall (University of Sheffield) and reviewed by Jean Russell (University of Sheffield).
Enter data and define variables in SPSS
A general overview of how to define variables and enter data into SPSS. This "Getting started with SPSS" resource is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Kate Richards, MEI.
Enter data from a questionnaire, Example 1: Single response
Using SPSS, enter data from a questionnaire in which respondents had to choose one option (e.g., Gender, Age group, etc...). This "Getting started with SPSS" resource is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Kate Richards, MEI.
Enter data from a questionnaire, Example 2: Single response Likert scale questions
Using SPSS, enter data from a questionnaire in which respondents had to choose one option from a likert scale. This "Getting started with SPSS" resource is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Kate Richards, MEI.
Enter data from a questionnaire, Example 3: Multiple response questions (tick all that apply)
Using SPSS, enter data from a questionnaire in which respondents can choose more than one option for a question. For example, 'tick all that apply'. This "Getting started with SPSS" resource is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Kate Richards, MEI.
Enter data from a questionnaire, Example 4: Ranked response questions
Using SPSS, enter data from a questionnaire in which respondents rank a series of options. For example, 'rank in order or importance the following...'. This "Getting started with SPSS" resource is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Kate Richards, MEI.
Enter data from a questionnaire, Example 5: Open response questions
Using SPSS, numerical data from an open response question on a questionnaire. This "Getting started with SPSS" resource is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Kate Richards, MEI.
Format tables in SPS output
How to format tables in an SPSS output file. This resource from the "SPSS Tutorial Series" is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Tim Sparks, Coventry University. It was developed with sigma resource development funding.
Grouped scatterplot with trend lines
How to use SPSS to create a grouped scatterplot and add separate trend lines for each group (a linear trend line is sometimes referred to as a regression line). This resource from the "SPSS Tutorial Series" is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Ellen Marshall, University of Sheffield. It was developed with sigma resource development funding.
Import data from Excel into SPSS
How to import your excel data into SPSS as well as preparing your file to be imported. This "Getting started with SPSS" resource is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Kate Richards, MEI.
Independent samples t-test
A Quick Reference worksheet on an introduction to the independent samples t-test. This resource has been contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Mollie Gilchrist and Peter Samuels, Birmingham City University and reviewed by Ellen Marshall, University of Sheffield.
Interpret Cronbach's alpha output in SPSS
How to interpret output from a Cronbach's alpha in SPSS. This resource from the "SPSS Tutorial Series" is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Paul Wilson, University of Wolverhampton. It was developed with sigma resource development funding.
Interpret SPSS output for a paired t-test
How to interpret SPSS output for a paired t-test. Includes the p-value and confidence intervals for the mean difference. This resource from the "SPSS Tutorial Series" is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Jonathan Gillard, Cardiff University. It was developed with sigma resource development funding.
Interpret SPSS output for an independent t-test
How to interpret SPSS output for an independent t-test (also known as a two-sample t-test). Includes Levene's test for homogeneity of variance, p-value and confidence intervals for the mean difference. This resource from the "SPSS Tutorial Series" is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Jonathan Gillard, Cardiff University. It was developed with sigma resource development funding.
Interpret SPSS output for Pearson's r correlation
How to interpret SPSS output for Pearson's r correlation (includes the correlation coefficient and corresponding p-value). This resource from the "SPSS Tutorial Series" is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Cheryl Voake-Jones, University of Bath. It was developed with sigma resource development funding.
Interpret SPSS output for Spearman's rho correlation
How to interpret SPSS output for Spearman's rho correlation (includes the correlation coefficient and corresponding p-value). This resource from the "SPSS Tutorial Series" is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Cheryl Voake-Jones, University of Bath. It was developed with sigma resource development funding.
Interpreting percentages from a Crosstab table in SPSS
How to interpret row, column and total percentages in a crosstabs table created in SPSS. This resource from the "SPSS Tutorial Series" is contributed to the statstutor Community project by Christine Pereira, Brunel University and reviewed by Tim Sparks, Coventry University. It was developed with sigma resource development funding.