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Kendall's Correlation Coefficient resources

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03. Teach Yourself Worksheets (1)

Resource type Correlation and Scatterplots (Worksheet)
This teach yourself worksheet explains how to obtain interpet scatterplots and the Pearson and Kendall's Tau correlation coefficients.

07. Community Project (4)

Resource type Correlation/regression in R (SOURCE)
Self-help resource providing an overview of correlation and regression in R. This resource has been made available under a Creative Commons licence by Sofia Maria Karadimitriou and Ellen Marshall, University of Sheffield.
Resource type Correlation/regression in SPSS (SOURCE)
Self-help resource providing an overview of correlation and regression in SPSS. This resource has been made available under a Creative Commons licence by Ellen Marshall, University of Sheffield.
Resource type Correlation/regression: Correlation in R
Self-help resource providing an overview of correlation in R, used for exploring the (linear) relationship between two variables. This resource has been made available under a Creative Commons licence by Sofia Maria Karadimitriou and Ellen Marshall, University of Sheffield.
Resource type Correlation/regression: Scatterplots & Correlation in SPSS
Self-help resource providing an overview of scatterplots & correlation in SPSS, used for assessing the strength of a linear relationship between two continuous variables. This resource has been made available under a Creative Commons licence by Ellen Marshall, University of Sheffield.

08. Staff Resources (1)

Resource type The Statistics Tutor's Quick Guide to Commonly Used Statistical Tests
A handy quick guide to statistical tests and techniques for those providing statistics support. This covers when to use each technique along with the interpretation of results, checking assumptions and what to do if the assumptions are not met. This was developed by the MASH Centre at the University of Sheffield and contributed to the statstutor Community Project by Ellen Marshall (University of Sheffield) and Alun Owen (University of Worcester) and reviewed by Jean Russell and Nick Fieller, (University of Sheffield).